Ghost Brothers from Different Mothers

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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KesselRunner077 51

I'm trying to prepare for a Trilogy format tournament and hope to give this deck a shot.

Yoda really compliments QGJ... hopefully rolling out specials early too keep him shielded and healthy enough to afford the upgrades. Once we have a few sabers on him, Yoda can make sure dice are flipped to melee sides. QGJ can dish out some serious pain.

I just feel like my lineup of events is missing something. I tried to balance cards that mitigate my opponent and cards that help shield my dudes, especially to optimize QGJ's output. I seem to have a lot of 2 cost events, I'd like to keep these lower in order to better afford the pricey upgrades...

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for looking!

1 commentaire

Tajerik Ri 30

Peace and Quiet is pretty good as a focus on any die, and No Questions Asked is Good in a pinch