Iden Talzin v1

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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cjnj193 265

First build at Iden/Talzin. I wanted a more control style like how Thrawn/talzin used to play but with less reliance on ramping out upgrades. Notable cards in the build.

Dark Presence - more of a pet card really. Had some success in the past with it in maul/talzin and I think it’s okay in a vehicle/big boi meta.

Handheld L-S1 Cannon - favorite legendary of ATG. Just a solid big gun

I want Vigilance to be good so I’m trying it at 1

All In - well the deck has a focus 2 side so it’s probably going to win the game

Stifle - feels like it fits in this style of deck where you can reliably control your opponent’s hand and setup situations where your opponent feels bad

Blockade - how to destroy a bad opponent’s T1. Looking at you chance cube in an aggro deck without a focus character

Current build feels lacking, I really want Chance Cube for that extra security since I can reliably fix it with talzin. Other then that I still have battlefield questions, any suggestions would be appreciated!

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