A Journey to Tatooine with Deck Analysis

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Destiny Deck Analysis 271

A Journey to Tatooine with Deck Analysis


After Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi’s escape from Naboo and the Gungans, they arrive on Tatooine. Here they encounter a young podracing prodigy, Anakin Skywalker. Just as this duo was able to destroy the Trade Federation, they also vanquish their opponents at the Destiny tables.


Mos Espa Arena - Tatooine is the logical battlefield selection. This location provides you a distinct benefit, especially once you witness Anakin’s podracing abilities. The primary issue you will face relating to the battlefield is control. It is difficult to pilot this deck quickly enough to claim, as you want to ensure you are properly shielded prior to resolving your character and upgrade dice, which at times is a tedious process. However, this battlefield is beneficial as it provides little benefit to your opponent, but fairly reliable benefit to you, especially once Anakin’s Podracer hits the table. Remember, you can always choose to lose a resource if you don’t have any and your opponent claims.


If podracing is involved, there must be betting, thus Double Down is included because we always like our hand at Destiny Deck Analysis. Cards that we included three copies of are highlighted in blue in the following analysis.


Qui-Gon Jinn - Defiant Jedi Master: As the master of the X fighting style, Qui-Gon uses shields as his primary defense, but also for attack. This can be seen thematically in Destiny, in that his character cards and events bearing his image all utilize this theme.

Anakin Skywalker - Podracing Prodigy: Combined with his podracer, Anakin is both a defensive and disruptive character who provides substantial benefit as a support character. His ability to tinker his podracer die is incredibly thematic along with his ability to disrupt his opponent’s hand or deck concurrently.


Dagger of Mortis: The high damage sides and ability to take shields from force deck mirror matches make this upgrade an excellent inclusion. Ideally, you will ramp into this upgrade mid to late game or, better yet, be able to play all three Shoto Lightsabers.

Force Illusion: This upgrade can help preserve your shields at a critical moment or encourage your opponent to re-roll modified die sides.

Lightsaber Training Staff: Arguably a bad upgrade in most decks, this Lightsaber Training Staff is critical for Anakin’s training and can be surprisingly effective once Qui-Gon has three shields.

Qui-Gon Jinn’s Lightsaber: This is an automatic inclusion as how would Qui-Gon fight without his lightsaber?

Shoto Lightsaber: The most critical component of this deck, the Shoto Lightsabers can provide up to three shields upon activation, which in turn boosts each die side by one, making them the best two cost upgrade in the game.


Anakin Skywalker’s Podracer: Anakin must be able to compete in the Boonta Eve Classic and how could he do that without his podracer? In the context of this deck, you can use the shields to protect Qui-Gon or the discard to heavily disrupt a mill deck’s mitigation suite.

Defensive Teaching: Qui-Gon must impart some of his knowledge on the force sensitive Anakin! Anyways, Defensive Teaching also allows you to maximize the potential number of shields on Qui-Gon, thus providing greater defense against more aggressive decks.


Caution: Whether it was Padme disguising herself as one of her maidens or Qui-Gon careful not to reveal that he is a Jedi, the mission and deck both use Caution to further their objective.

Easy Pickings: As Anakin is not a damage character, you can reliably trigger Easy Pickings into the late game, as the spot a yellow requirement you are typically able to meet.

Guard: Though this card does not work with Luke Skywalker - Reluctant Instructor’s die, it does synergize with Qui-Gon’s ability. That is, if he has three shields and his die is showing a two damage, you can Guard three dice.

Heightened Awareness: Providing an unexpected burst mid to late game, this card can be used defensively to protect Qui-Gon or offensively to increase his die sides or set up a Riposte.

Hidden Motive: Inexpensive mitigation and damage cards help this deck to ramp quickly, which is a requirement when you are playing only one damage character.

Repulse: As most decks run multiple colors, you can use this card to reliably remove your opponent’s best two dice.

Riposte: This card is effective in a few situations. The first is a mill match-up, where shields are necessary to trigger Qui-Gon’s ability, but beyond that are useless. The second is an aggro match-up, where there is a race to defeat the opponent’s primary character. This card can provide surprise burst damage in both instances that help to maximize your damage potential. Remember to order your actions appropriately though, as it is unfortunate to resolve Qui-Gon’s character and upgrade dice after removing all your shields.

Smuggler’s Run: This is an excellent resource generation card, especially with an elite Anakin Skywalker. This can help you ramp into two Shoto Lightsabers first round or a variety of other damage, shield, and mitigation cards.

Start Your Engines: Searching for Anakin’s podracer is a slow process, but once it hits the table provides speed, defensive, and disruptive capabilities.

Synchronicity: With the shield and melee synergy in this deck, Synchronicity is another card that can provide consistent and surprising damage when it is needed the most.


This is a control deck that relies on a built out board state to function properly, thus takes considerable skill to consistently win. You want to get maximum value from Anakin before he is defeated, but concurrently realize that he is the most expendable. If you can avoid dealing damage to Qui-Gon beyond shield removal, do so. The ideal starting hand consists of two Shoto Lightsabers, a Smuggler’s Run, a Caution, and another mitigation card. Begin by activating Anakin with Smuggler’s Run, gaining a resource and resolving the die showing a resource, play out your upgrades on Qui-Gon, use Caution when applicable to protect Qui-Gon. If your hand is less than ideal, try to protect Qui-Gon while you build out your board state in other ways. For instance, an Anakin’s Podracer can be used to shield Qui-Gon first turn and discard critical cards from your opponent’s hand. Regardless of your starting hand, your strategy should be to build out your board state while protecting Qui-Gon at all costs.

Pay special attention to the ordering of your actions as some cards will require certain dice to be in your pool, whether Anakin’s or Qui-Gon’s (e.g. Caution or Guard). This means you will want to be efficient with your actions and have the proper dice in your pool at all times to use your cards that have those requirements.

Defensive teaching is another excellent card that you would like to see hit the table mid to late game. This allows you to better protect Qui-Gon by maximizing your shield dice and card effects, rather than settling for a caution for two shields or a similar misuse of shields. For instance, with two Shoto Lightsabers and a Lightsaber Training Staff on Qui-Gon, you gain two shields upon activation, which is not enough to trigger Qui-Gon’s upgrade ability. Now, cards like Heightened Awareness and Caution are incredibly ineffective as they would only provide one shield. However, if both Defensive Teaching are in play, you can gain up to five shields, thus eliminating the aforementioned inefficiency.


Having played a few games with this deck, I can say that it is surprisingly effective for being a primary support deck. The games I have one have been because I was able to prevent damage early game while ramping effectively, while the games I lost I failed to hit Qui-Gon’s damage sides and also was unable to ramp effectively.

Game 1: Vader3/Greedo: This game fell apart quickly, as I failed to draw upgrades and was not rolling Qui-Gon’s damage sides. A double Force Speed special into 16 damage ended my hopes of winning this game.

Game 2: Vader3/Greedo: Thanks to poor rolls by my opponent, I was able to ramp fairly well and protect Qui-Gon into the late game, at which point I had so many shields it was difficult for my opponent to get through them. This was still a close game, but I pulled out the victory through a Synchronicity, Heightened Awareness, and Riposte combination.

Game 3: Yoda/Leia2: This game was incredible. As mill decks are unable to remove Qui-Gon’s shields, my deck runs at maximum efficiency. I was able to get Anakin’s podracer down early, but failed to find many upgrades until later in the game. Thankfully, with Anakin and his podracer, I was able to discard three cards from my opponent’s hand every round, thus severely hurting their ability to mitigate Qui-Gon’s dice. In the end, it came down to either one damage or one card, where I had both almosted defeated them and almost milled them. Had I hit one more damage side or one more discard side I would have won.

Game 4: Jabba2/Arihnda: An interesting matchup, I never felt too uncomfortable as indirect damage was able to be distributed to my shields, with excess going to Anakin. I ramped effectively and had a few surprise bursts of 6-10 damage throughout the game. These were enough to defeat Arihnda and eventually Jabba.

I am looking forward to getting in more testing with this incredibly thematic deck and am curious as to how it performs for you! Do you think any changes should be made? How has your testing gone? Thanks for reading my analysis and be sure to like and follow Destiny Deck Analysis on facebook for more articles, deck analyses, and tournament reports!

14 commentaires

SushiGeaux 48

You sir. Are awesome. I must try this!


Double Down for the third Shoto Lightsaberis both gross and genius. I have not seen this and I love it.

Destiny Deck Analysis 271

Thanks @SushiGeaux and @RSVP! I am a sucker for thematic decks and Qui-Gon has always been one of my favorite characters, so was excited to see him reprinted in AtG!

unknown 30

Why not Lightsaber Pull to find those Shoto Lightsaber? Very interesting and tematic deck

Destiny Deck Analysis 271

@unknown very good question. One deck I played back in the Legacies meta was Qui-Gon/Yoda, where I only included four weapons (2x Ancient and 2x Shoto) and two Lightsaber Pulls. The thought was that this left more room for shield generating events. I considered the same build philosophy for this deck, but felt that the logical card to cut might be the Lightsaber Training Staff, which I like including to ramp into a Shoto Lightsaber, Qui-Gon's Lightsaber, or the Dagger of Mortis. It is definitely a difficult call, as getting three Shoto Lightsabers out with relative consistency by round three would be devastating. One thought I had was that I would almost prefer the original Qui-Gon Jinn with the Lightsaber Pull/Shoto combination as then you can trade shields for damage, where here having too many shields is somewhat of a problem. If you get the chance to test the deck with the Lightsaber Pulls please let me know how it goes! I would be interested to hear how it play tests.

unknown 30

Maybe Ataru Strike could be also good with so many shields? And Become One to use those shields on Qui-Gon Jinn - Defiant Jedi Master dice to boost mele . When you use podracer Partnership can make some quick damage when activate with Qui Gon and spend 1 resource to resolve his dices.

Destiny Deck Analysis 271

@unknown I think both of those are excellent suggestions and would increase the competitiveness of the deck. It would sacrifice an element of theme, but if I wanted to run this deck at a tournament, I would drop Start Your Engines! and Anakin Skywalker's Podracer in favor of Ataru Strike to increase the burst damage potential. To be honest, I wish I had room for more cards, as the event suite has to be so large to protect Qui-Gon Jinn - Defiant Jedi Master that I feel I miss out on combinations I would like to include. Also, Become One has so much potential, I would love to include it as well. I have been considering including it in my Darth Vader - Terror To Behold deck for some damage/resource shenanigans.

Ikuni 1

I played against a similar deck recently and thought it was really interesting. I'm looking forward to trying it out soon. They ran Defensive Teaching x3 and I'm not sure the other extra copy. Maybe Vandalize? Six shields was an absolute terror to deal with. They also ran Honed Skills, and a different upgrade suite:

I'm probably missing an upgrade, but the Darksaber on Qui-Gon is devastating.

Destiny Deck Analysis 271

Definitely strong options @Ikuni. The primary reason I don't include Ancient Lightsabers is I don't have any, but if I get my hands on them I would definitely trade them in for the Lightsaber Training Staffs. And I would love to fit Honed Skills, but I feel the list is far too tight as it is. Also, I definitely sacrifice some performance for the thematic components of the deck, but I feel it is worth it :)

Grosours 1

@Destiny Deck Analysishello! I really need to thank you a lot for this decklist! I had so much fun playing with it!

I must confess that I thought first that it was just a "fun" deck but I immediatly noticed that it was very good build, every card seemed coherent to me. But the surprise when I played it few days ago ! : I won tow on the three game I played with it and found it very efficient! I think you got something!

The first game against eAayla Secura - Jedi General with eQui-Gon Jinn - Ataru Master was a won.

The second game was against Greedo - Unlucky Mercenary with eDarth Vader - Terror To Behold and I thought I had no chance but I won.

The third game, that I lost, was against a e Luke Skywalker - Reluctant Instructor with eKit Fisto - Shii-cho Master. This deck was quit solid the player was good and I made a lot of mistakes.

Which brings me to the mechanics that brought me to victory :

Anakin's Podracer ! I think that a beginning with this card inscrease your win-rate. Early in the game it make you win ressources and later it helps you with discard to save your dices from mitigation.

The other good cards : Heightened Awareness and Caution - to win enough shields to resolve Qui-Gon Jinn - Defiant Jedi Master with the benefit of his ability.

I think that the deck has his rhythm :

  1. Activiate Anakin Skywalker's Podracer
  2. Activate Anakin Skywalker - Podracing Prodigy
  3. Resolve Anakin Skywalker's Podracer dices and Anakin Skywalker - Podracing Prodigy dices - resolves Anakin Skywalker's Podracer ability to discard a card from your opponents hand
  4. Handel with opponents dices
  5. Equip Qui-Gon Jinn - Defiant Jedi Master
  6. Give Qui-Gon Jinn - Defiant Jedi Master shields
  7. Activate him and resolve his dices

I would say that de only card that you can change in your deck list is Repulse for a Beguile that cost the same can deal with three dices and is not conditional.

The other changes will modify the balance of the deck I think. So I'm really careful with them.

I intend to play a version in which I trade the Shoto Lightsaber for three Counterstroke, I think that this card is really underestimated. And, to faster kill mill, I intend replace the Dagger of Mortis for a Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lightsaber for his ability to pass shields.

I will continue the tests and I have a local tournament the 19 January I think I will play this deck! I keep you in touch...

Besides, the friend that won against me, his also very interested in this deck and he will also build around it!

Happy New Year and Thanks again!

(sorry if my english wasn't perfect I'm french)

Destiny Deck Analysis 271

@Grosours thank you for the comment! I’m very excited to hear that the list has performed well for you with some tweaking. I do like the changes you made and have been intrigued by Counterstroke since the most recent set was released. I wish you the best of luck at your local tournament and must say your English is excellent!

Socal Casual Gaming 92

Dang, this is in DEPTH! I love it. Thanks for taking the time to write this out. I tried searching for your youtube and couldn't find it, mind dropping a link?

Grosours 1

Hello! I know it's been a while... but the lack of good results didn't encourage me to write you a feedback from my experience with this deck... but I don't give up! Today I build it again in a trilogy format to prepare it for the rotation! January I had this local tournament and I can say that it goes sadly wrong

First game I played against Han Solo - Independent Hotshot and Qi'Ra - Street Savvy with Theed Royal Palace - Naboo - 0-1 I lost going good dice rolls and... I played with a 28 cards deck... I forgot to move my Two easy pickings from my gungan deck to my tournament deck...

Second game - bye 1-1 sad victory...

Third game - Lost against a steady Luke Skywalker - Reluctant Instructor and Kit Fisto - Shii-cho Master with Obi-Wan's Hut - Tatooine, the tournament winner, previously I won warm up game against this deck... millstone style...

Fourth and last game - I won without glory against a beginner.

For this tournament I played the Shoto Lightsaber version... I thought that If I would maximize chaces to have the maximum of shields it would be the best option... I think today that it was a mistake... the warm up game I won against the the Luke Skywalker - Reluctant Instructor/Kit Fisto - Shii-cho Master deck was the version with Counterstroke... I think the key is to have the good amount of shields at the right time. And the other key is the Anakin Skywalker's Podracer. i find today that the main issue with this deck is to produce enough damage to be consistent.

In my new version I got Treasured Lightsaberx2, Qui-Gon Jinn's Lightsaber, Dagger of Mortis, Counterstrokex3 and Lightsaber Training Staffx2. I put a second copy of Anakin Skywalker's Podracer in the deck to...

I truly believe that we must play a deck over and over to make the good adjustments... I will keep it this time and maybe good cards are coming...

Now let's test!

And don't forget... Rebellions are build on hope!

Destiny Deck Analysis 271

@Grosours thanks for the tournament report! I have also been working on refining the list for tournament play and have come to a similar conclusion. I think two Anakin Skywalker's Podracer are definitely worth including, as the ability to shield and discard from hand helps to increase the consistency of the deck drastically. Another change I have made, which is by far the most drastic, is switching from Qui-Gon Jinn - Defiant Jedi Master to Qui-Gon Jinn - Ataru Master. I found that being able to convert shields to damage ensured that I never wasted shields and even if I rolled little to no damage sides, I could still deal damage, even with Anakin Skywalker's Podracer.

I think we have both reached a similar conclusion in that having the right number of shields at the right time is critical and are both working to make that happen. I look forward to hearing more of your testing results, especially as we approach rotation!

As always, rebellions are built on hope and may the rolls be with you!