The Sidekicks (4-3 KY Regionals)

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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lij_xo 252

Took this deck to the Louisville, KY regionals and had a great time with it. Would definitely take out the Vandalize for an Attack Run or Drop In as the 2x Hit and Run just isn't enough to hit as hard and fast as you want. Also would definitely consider All In. I had a serious misplay in round 3 that I think I otherwise could have taken, but otherwise it was a great event and all the folks I played against were kind, respectable players. Congrats to all the Top 8 players!

Swiss results: 1: Jyn / Cassian - win

  1. Leia2 / Lando2 - win
  2. Vader / Greedo - loss
  3. Jyn / Cassian - win
  4. Sabine - loss
  5. Leia2 / Yoda - win
  6. Vader / Greedo - loss
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