Bring Your Blood Pressure Medication

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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Miket1100 430

Pretty simple and straight forward. Save those Free-For-All's for a nice surprise towards the end of your games. It's a nice closer.

You'll almost always want to roll out DJ first. You don't want to waste a perfect Talzin roll without being able to tune other die of your own.

I've also ran a version of this with 1x Free Fall and 2x Force Jump. Mileage may vary. The jumps are good if your opponent targets DJ first and leaves Talzin unscathed. You can use Talzins ability to turn into their specials if you want to play conservatively towards the late game with just her hanging out there.

7 commentaires

prettykooltimes 2

What are your thoughts on Burst Of Lightning?? 3 cost, 3 shield removal, 3 dice removal, 3 indirect from DJ...I've been liking it.

Miket1100 430

@prettykooltimes if sideboards we're a thing in Destiny I'd definitely bring it to the table, however if you're not playing an opponent that relies heavily on shields then it becomes a dead card and an expensive one at that. If the deck is doing what it's supposed to do then your opponent shouldn't have many shields on their characters in the first place.

magnumchops 13

I would try to sneak a Déjà Vu in there. would be great with some of those cheaper removal cards to double impact. also is disgusting with your three Witch Magick - if everything went well that's 18 damage removed.

prettykooltimes 2

@Miket1100 Fair. I am a huge fan of it as I've come across a lot of decks who focus on shields (Utilizing things like Qui-Gon Jinn's Lightsaber) I run a deck similar to this, but I've added in red to give my more dice removal and eliminated the upgrades. I'm still toying with it as well.

Miket1100 430

@magnumchops I'll give that a try, I've found that most of the time the 3 Witch Magicks are enough but that'll certainly help with doubling up on removal.

Mr_Chip 58

I love it but that is a lot of blue. Cards like undermine are awesome, but, with 3 streetwise you find yourself sitting on all these events you cant play. The streetwise end up costing one and just sitting there. That's 17 total cards out of 40 which get no value from SW, leaving 13 cards that do. If you just played the card instead of pay the one for SW and then play the card... it comes to 10 total cards that might see value if you are able to play them all (which you aren't) and have multiple SW in play (which you many times won't.

Sounds like I'm doing a big poopy on the deck - I love it and have it built... I just was so frustrated by it and I'm running out of yellow events that make SW worth it. What has been your experience?

Miket1100 430

@Mr_Chip I find that my games, especially thosenagainst opponents with larger health pools, last long and I get use of more thab 2/3 of the deck. I have three on the field not so I can absolutely play all three of them but so I can draw into one of them first round. It puts you ahead of the curve. If you needed you can always take out the 2x Undermine/Frighten for either 2x By Any Means, one more Entangle (but then it messes with healing) or 2x Vandalize.