Uncle Snoke's Used Cars

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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darthbusiness 3

So this is going to be my first published list. I have worked hard on this deck to combat a run of Vader/Greedo and Shadowcaster decks in my local meta. It has also proved very valid against these lists for me. The concept is to try and ramp really fast and get strong supports out for your remaining characters to lean on late game. I say remaining because someone is going to die....it's going to happen. There are a few cards in here to mitigate, but you need to time that right. Everyone goes for Snoke first, which I think is a mistake, because Mithel is secretly the engine for this deck. He boosts Black Two when it is out and his resource side is invaluable early. Basically I try to get the Dark Counsels out early and in combo with Snoke's dice or Dooku's Sailer/Senate Chamber manipulate Mauler's die for money or Dark Counsel for card draw. The card draw is clutch, I have had several games where someone claims and I am able to draw back up to 5 cards or more with tons of money play a Firespray and Power Action a mod on there. It is capable of Nuking the board in one explosive turn. I will say it is NOT AN EASY deck to pilot, one wrong move in your sequencing and you will lose, but if you can make the right choices, it is deceptively powerful. Combine Mauler's ability with your vehicle dice to destroy pesky vehicles or combo Nefarious Deed with Sebulba always wins and watch your opponent's head explode when there fully modded Shadowcaster hits the discard pile. I welcome any thoughts or input you may have. Thanks for reading!

2 commentaires

darthbusiness 3

SIDE NOTE: This shows Standard, but was a Trilogy list, Truce being the one card TECHNICALLY not available in Trilogy, but we have been allowing any cards that have been spoiled as reprints in our Trilogy events.

Imperial Spy 178

If you put it on trilogy then just add the card anyway it just says it includes EaW but is trilogy. I've had to do it a few times.