Adepticon Trilogy Galactic Qualifer Winner 6-0 (Saturday 3/3

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Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
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Firmus is the new Ciena! 0 0 0 1.0

rekopacz 86

Here is my winning team. I have been playing Snoke, Cienna, Traitor even since Snoke Thawn got nerfed, building into regional season. My version was a delve, friends in high deck that spit out fist, atst, planetary bombardment, pirate tanks and other big supports.

Once I starting planning a trilogy deck it seemed smart to use nute to replace Cienna. Nute has great snokable sides and his ability is very good (if you can remember it). I can’t tell you how many Easy Pickings and other great cards got milled through Nutes ability. Most people milled rather than take one less money.

Having lost access to Friends in High I let Delve go as well opting for the more traditional Firespray, Umbaran Hover Tank plus mods build. It immediately became clear to me why this build was so popular and powerful. Firesprays are just fire with their power action. I often had a rich board state with fist, fire spray and/or some combo of tank/slave 1.

This team generates money like mad, if you let it. Traitor is just gold, but I will be happy to see unpredictable returning to the fold in convergence. Being able to reroll traitor or nute without the opportunity of being mitigated has often been a winner for me in my standard version of this deck.

This deck can also pump out mad amounts of indirect damage. Snoke Traitors 2 indirect side for 4 plus potential 4 more from Snoke himself and 1 from nute in a perfect world plus supports and upgrades.

I found in this tournament I didn’t use my mitigation cards that’s often. I was just super aggressive and just pushed damage fast.

Personally I play Theed bc I want the shields to start. Most people won’t let you have your Theed. It’s controversial but I think the shields help me survive more than 1 money at start. I can make more money later and claim your theed if I need to.

Lastly if you don’t know the value of Senate Chamber, play it! That card is gold! I also added a solar sailer just in case. I prefer Senate Chamber but the card draw is often helpful as well. I believe I even had one game where I had both the sailer and senate chamber!

I got pretty lucky with my match ups. Everyone I faced was excellent. I rolled fire and my opponents rolled poorly. Isn’t that so Destiny?

Here are my matches the best I remember (sorry if I get the details slightly wrong)

Round 1- Zeb Yoda My opponent hasn’t played in awhile but clearly knew the game well. I don’t recall all the specifics but I think I just overwhelmed him with damage.

Round 2- Han Biggs I had played his player previously in a trilogy gq and lost. He god rolled me in the previous tournament now it was my turn. As I recall his dice rolls just weren’t there allowing me to take a win.

Round 3- Luke3 Rey A slightly unexpected team for me but I know what it can do. I think I was able to just control and mitigate his dice so he couldn’t damage me much and I might have hit his money as well. Before long then Jedi fell at the feet of Supreme Leader Snoke.

Round 4- Snoke Aphra Battle Droid I am pretty well versed with what this team can do thanks to my local ABG crew (shout out to Drew, Cody, Paul, Kyle and the boys). I was a little worried about Aphra doing Aphra things but my opponents key cards didn’t show up. I was able to swarm the indirect team with indirect of my own bringing the upsurper to heel.

Round 5- Leia Boussh Rose (AR I think) This team was a surprise to me. Thankfully it wasn’t Yoda Boussh which crushed me in Regional season. Luckily Leia never got a single special and I rolled like 12 indirect in one turn on his team. It was mostly over after that although my opponent fought back the best he could.

Round 6- L3 Engineer x2 Once again I knew what I was facing thanks to ABG and Cody who crushed me with this at PAX Unplugged. Of course we both check if either of us already had a worlds seat. We did not. So battle on we must! My opponent got his shadow caster quickly per usual and started loading it up. I am a little fuzzy in the details but I know I generated a lot of money and started dropping supports. Then the Golden moment I pull vandalize. I roll out traitor to open. No money damn. Roll out nute. No money, damn. Roll our Snoke. 2 indirect, 2 Indirect. At this point L3 had significant damage on her due to previous indirect damage. I table talked my opponent a little hoping he would ignore the 4 character dice sitting in the pool. Luckily he had no easy pickings in his hand (whew!) my opponent played TLT on shadowcaster and then BOOM! Vandalize! A HUGE weight was off my shoulders. To his credit my opponent fought well and made me earn my victory. He managed to later vandalize one of my supports but the had so much money and had multiple supports and kept playing more and more. It was tight. My opponent was hoping to go to time and win on damage bc L3 would not count since she wasn’t “defeated”. However I played around the N1 and eventually did enough damage to win!

Thanks to everyone for a truly great tournament. My local player base (NJ Highlander games) had 3 of 7 winners at the Adepticon Galactic Qualifiers. It sure helps to play vs the best and NJ has some of the best.

3 commentaires

destinyspb 98

Congrats on your win! I played eSnoke/Traitor/Executioner during Eindhoven trilogy GQ (but my performance was poor), so I have a couple of questions regarding the card choices:

  1. Did you try Executioner instead of Nute? In my opinion his die is much better for snoking, and the ability is useful as well.
  2. Did you play Flames of the past? In my games I mentioned that I almost never had the situation when I could play it, so I start thinking it can be cut.
  3. Was Hover tank useful? Again, in my games I noted I almost never wanted to play it, because you really want only 1 his side (special), but it's paid and he shines vs 3+ character teams, while current meta is mostly 2-wide. So this card is also in the list to be cut. For example, you can take ARC-170 instead. It has 3 damage sides, no pay sides and it's difficult to discard (as it'll bounce to hand)

rekopacz 86

Thanks! I not tried executioner but I will have to try it out. I added in a second flames of the past. It doesnt come up much but I feel safer having it. Hover tank is great vs 3 wide teams. Slap on some mods and your ready to rock! Good idea with the Arc-170. I like that a lot.

blogster 1006

CONGRATS! What is funny (and sad) is I played the same 3 wide at Adepticon with the exact opposite results 0-6 on Saturday as well. :) Wish I knew you were running this as I would of took my loss and watched you play.