Grievous's Commando Squad

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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Clunks 63

The Commando Droid's have 66% chance of rolling damage and along with General Grievous - Droid Armies Commander's power action, rolling in a lot of damage and hitting a Pulverize turn one is devastating to Captain Phasma - Stormtrooper Commander and other squishier decks. You can forgo any mitigation round 1 or 2 because of the large health pool and Modular Frame depending on your opponent. The goal is to ramp with redeploy guns so the last one or two of your characters left are loaded up. Late in the game a Tactical Mastery to roll in Droid Commandos, hitting for as much damage as possible and then claiming Arena of Death - Nar Shaddaa is lights out.

Emulate is a great 0 cost to grab a resource if needed and Bacta Therapy could be clutch if your down to your final character to hold out a turn so that you can claim for 3 to win the game.


Somehow forgot to include E-5 Blaster Carbine, I would either replace the Handheld L-S1 Cannon or tweak the events.

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