
Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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JJcollection 7

Big focus of this deck is to utilize Hush-98 Comlinkaction to roll out Padme and all the supports all at once. Getting Hush-98 Comlinkon Yoda is very important for this reason. I also plan to utilize Soresu Training for the special which gives two shields since both Yoda and Padme have low health to begin with.

Until I am able to Ramp up, Armored Reinforcement will allow me to get Padmé Amidala's Royal Starship out turn one and I will be able to shield up Padme every turn and activate her right after.

Target Acquired will definitely come in handy to focus down the biggest threat.

----Work In Progress----

1 commentaire

lij_xo 252

I actually really don't think you should run Hush-98 Comlink. In my experience, it's not very good, and it doesn't seem to do much here. Let's say you put it on Yoda. You have to roll out yoda first to get it in the pool, then use an action to activate what, Padme's cruiser and her? You can already activate both of those as one action and now you're losing one of your dice and the shield ability from the cruiser. I'd take both out and run Handheld L-S1 Cannon or Auto Cannon instead.