Yoda/Leia/Lightsaber Mastery

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
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Corbog 108

I think lightsaber mastery might be the superior plot for this mill deck by adding extra removal/shields that are always available.

4 commentaires

draken1001984 28

Is Strategic Planning a card you meant to be in the deck?

Channel The Force would be a good card in this deck. It is a slightly better Beguile and will allow you to manipulate your dice if needed.

Darth_Azrael 1

@draken1001984 Corbog probably added it to deal with the abundance of support cards seeing play. It lets them exhaust Megablast, Vader's fist, and other such supports.

draken1001984 28

OH, I didn't see the second sentence... Thanks @Darth_Azrael

Corbog 108

@draken1001984 yes, @Darth_Azrael is right Strategic Planning is there as a counter for vehicle decks primarily but also for dealing with other supports. Channel the force might be a good include. I’ll definitely consider it.