Padme2 Maz2

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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Echo7 328

Hit and run.

First round pull Padmé's Starship. Activate Maz, then activate Padmé's Starship and Padmé, hope you don't get mitigated too much, do a bit of damage, do some mitigation or play a First Aid and get the claim.

Second round, play Rex's Blaster Pistol, then play Attack Run to activate your ship, Padmé and Maz as ambush. If necessary Impulsive a triple and deal around 10 damage (Maz has 2 sides, Padmé and her ship have 3 3 sides between them). The chance of rolling a 3 is 43% and the chance of a 2 or higher is 70%, so they're pretty good odds.

By this point, hopefully you've got a mod down, so Aerial Advantage is amazing. Easy Pickings, Flee the Scene, Entangle are all double removal. Suppressive Fire is single removal. And there's 4 cards for healing (Field Medic and First Aid).

Final cards are Truce if you need the for mitigation or upgrades, On The Mark to convert to , and Power Surge to resolve a Padmé 3 as 6.

5 commentaires

Ramin2-D2 550

i think Senate Chambers is worth adding

Echo7 328

You may be right, it's a solid support. What would you drop?

I haven't had much testing time on this deck, but I do worry that it may be a bit expensive, as most of the time I'm using my to turn dice to damage rather than . I could put a bit more effort into getting the 2 out of Padmé's Starship, but worry that slowing down might be detrimental as it means Padmé may die before I get the kill.

The hope is that I can do an occassional Attack Run into a full activation (using Rex's Blaster Pistol) then possibly Impulsive a 3 if necessary, before spending the rest of the turn mitigating.

Also, in a slightly newer version I made these changes:

-1 Entangle -1 First Aid -2 Riot Shield +2 Hasty Exit +2 Dorsal Turret


General Vatutin 26

@rogue6548...Ramin is cheap noodles ..he come in to add stuff and walks away. That is how you get to 513...almost no discourse. He has that special air about him. Smells like fart!

General Vatutin 26

Thanks for the list and write up. Nest new Maz so far.

Echo7 328

@General Vatutinthanks. I love playing the deck, but my big issue with it is consistency with the card draw. Attack Run is pretty clutch as you have not many powerful dice, so getting them out unmitigatable is key. Impulsive too. I've also dropped BB-8 is being fast wins games, and BB-8 kills an entire round (1 action to play, 1 action to roll in, 1 action to resolve, 1 action to attach to Padmé's ship).

It went 3-3 at UK GQ, which was OK, but it could've been better if I'd been a bit luckier with my draws. I only played Attack Run once the entire tournament, which is ridiculous. There were 2 games I could've won if I'd got my dice in a turn earlier, but I just couldn't draw this card.

Also, if you win the roll off, always go for your battlefield. Mean Streets - Correlia is epic.