Iden Beckett

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Iden Beckett 2 1 0 3.0
Inspiration pour
Iden Beckett 0 0 3 8.0
7 commentaires

MaimVoorhees 99

I like this deck. How has it preformed for you?

Nukesquad 3

How is mastermind and the seeker droid doing for you? Also do you find yourself using Best Defence more or less?

Khanman 78

@MaimVoorhees it’s much better with military camp, I switched to salt flats in this version because I was a little wary about giving droids the chance to get MC. I think I’m gonna switch back though. Bubble shield is in for aphra and ewoks.

Khanman 78

@Nukesquad it can be really valuable if you know the match ups. If you every get the specials on both it is really powerful. You have a definite pick of the two best cards out your opponents hand.

I think you need a 2d removal. It’s either the best defence or entangle. Best defence I think is more flexible. Granted it hurts damage wise though.

Khanman 78

Incidentally I have now published an update, it goes back to Military camp and also has dx blasters for the unblockable potential. Loses 1 Beckett’s and one LS1 to make room. Not sure if it’ll stay that way though.

MaimVoorhees 99

@DK275 can you link me to your new list?

Khanman 78

