First Place DFW side tournement for a SOH box.

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
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Yahari 29

On October 5th I played at the Prime Championship at Collected comics in Dallas Fort Worth. I brought eObi/eR2. I did terrible. After the fourth round of swiss they announced a free side event where the winner would receive a brand new box of Spark of hope. Anyone was welcome to drop out of the prime and participate. Since I was 1-3 I decided to go ahead and try it. I switched from my Prime deck and played this list.

Went 3-0 and claimed the box for myself. This is the first tournement I've ever won and was extremely excited. Just a few notes. I had theed on the day. I didn't expect to play this at all so I left the watto's shop at home. If I had it with me this would have been the battlefield. Here's a write up for the games I played.

Game 1 E Jyn2/ E Han4 taking ground.

I don't remember this dudes name. But his deck was pretty nasty. He killed 3po, and r2 by the third round. I had jyn dead by round 1 and han had 5 health left. Round 3 he rolled into an easy pickings, and I played a chewbacca's blaster on chopper and won the game with it rolling a 2, and then a 4.


Game 2 E Lando2/ E biggs / Profiteering

I watched this guy beat my friend Jonathon so I was pretty worried going against this. He had the Millennium Falcon turn one, and a N-1 Starfighter so I was pretty scared of some big resets coming my way. Lando rolled into easy pickings twice so that slowed him down alot, and made it really hard for him to get any other supports out. After I played Convergence on his n-1 and killed lando, I knew I had it in the back. Won the game with all the droids alive.


Game 3

E Phasma2/ Mandalorian Super Commando / Sentinal Messenger

I had a rough idea of what his plan was. I knew Phasma 2 was bait so the commando could ping all game then close it out. He won the roll off and took the shields. Luckily he put them both on phasma. so that solidified my choice to kill the commando. R2 was his target. Which was fine. That allowed me to load up chopper. I put 5 into the commando round 1 and had a salvaged arm, and a ezra saber on chopper. Round 2 I killed his hand pretty early and focused into 10 damage and dropped the commando and put 4 into phasma. He dropped r2 early in the third round and put 4 into 3po. We went into a 5th round where I had a fully loaded chopper, and he had his messenger with a A-300. I got pretty fancy and was able to exhaust salvaged arm hit for 3, Chopper PA overwrite salvaged arm with salvaged arm. We went to time and I won by 6 damage. This was my favorite game on the day cause it could have gone either way. We did have a mishap where I resolved a shield side that wasn't suppose to be in the pool since I overwrote it. But I felt like I made up for it by giving him a damage on chopper.

After the damage was counted I was handed my prize! A brand new box of Spark of hope!

Thank you collected Comics for having this awesome side event. I wish I had played this in the Main event. But oh well. Hopefully everyone enjoys this write up!

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