Cool Hand Luke - eLuke Skywalker / eKanan Jarrus

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
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sethrhorn 33

Deck Description

Even at the end of the game's lifecycle, Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight is still my favorite character in the game; however, he has always been difficult for me to build around because I want to start the game with 4 dice. Also, I have never a fan of pairing him with Rey - Force Prodigy this far into the game.

When Covert Missions came out, I realized that Kanan Jarrus - Jedi Exile fit perfectly at 12 points. They're both Jedi, so they both get the benefit of Republic Jedi Armor which in turn helps buff Kanan Jarrus - Jedi Exile's health weakness while also synergizing well with Ataru Strike and the deck's 4 starting character dice.

Other than that, this just a fun Mains and Toys deck with lots of lightsaber and removal. If you like Luke Skywalker and Rebels then this is a really fun deck, and isn't having fun the point?

Combat Trick

Damage Mitigation

Resource Generation

Change Dice

Remove Dice

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