Cheap and Slim (with Leia & Finn)

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
Inspiration pour
Rebel Engine (Ackbar & Finn) 5 4 0 4.0

Scactha 888

This deck is built with the aim of maximise usage of the draw and cost reduction cards in SWD which is currently located in Hero Red/Yellow. I´m calling this the Rebel Engine :) The strategy is to deploy more Upgrades than the opponent thus overwhelming them in and advantage.

Further to have as many consistently typed (not half half ) damage sides as possible, nor coming with a cost or being bonuses. Everything should preferably work by itself.

Why? Look at any YouTube video of this game and you´ll see the same sequence of players rolling dice and saccing cards to reroll again. They actually play tops half their cards. By having more damage sides available, or actually sides supporting the strategy - being fast damage, we lessen our dependence on rerolling and can play our cards.

The third aim is to maximise on income and -manipulation (to get those damage sides as soon as possible). The Comlink is the best enabler. Promotion comes in second. Infiltrate is the third option more used as a cheap filler and against the opponent.

Leia and Finn offers alot here as they come with 5 /1 and Finn allows us to pick Red Villain Upgrades and Vehicles. The first weapon to look for in the deck is the F-11D Rifle because it has the most damage sides, followed by the Holdout Blaster, then the DH-17 Blaster Pistol and the last 2 damage cards.

The trick to the deck is to start the engine by picking the correct synergies at any given time. A starting hand should preferably consist of a cost reduction card (Rearm or Smuggling or Logistics), card draw (Scavenge or Don't Get Cocky) and at least one weapon. This will most likely start off a chain of synergies. Examples:

F-11D Rifle+Comlink+Rearm

Put Rifle on Leia (because she has Focus and Cash on her beyond ). Exhaust her. If you rolled cash or had it from before take it and then put the Comlink on Finn, rerolling opponents good dice, by discarding the rifle. Now Rearm the rifle on to Finn. 4 cost of Upgrades for 3 and a free reroll.

Scavenge really says that the discard pile is an extension of your hand while you get to draw a for free.

Promotion is a class by itself. Think of it as air in your deck. This due to the inherent card draw coupled with Rearm and Scavenge. Play Promotion, draw a card. Play a DH-17 on Leia, saccing Promotion to pay for it. Scavenge the Promotion and play it again, drawing another card, saccing the DH-17. Rearm the DH-17. It´ll burn through the deck to whatever you need.

Don't Get Cocky is an enabler by drawing more stuff. It´s best used after they´ve started to Resolve to reduce the possible effect of additional rerolls or T1 when they expect little to happen believing 2 is the income avialable. Most people are keen on getting that damage in and thus wont see extra cards coming. It takes some planning, but as we have more dice and more cards to play than the opponent we will seldom claim.

Let The Wookie Win is used after they´ve rolled the first two . The important thing is that it is a 2 for 1 either way.

Negotiate is the same 2 for 1. Use after they´ve rolled at least two .

It´s possible to make the same deck as eHan/Leia, eLeia,Han or ePoe/Finn, but all those combinations have less and more expensive damage sides on their . Thus I like this one more atm.

EDIT: wrong battlefield. Should be Command Center Tie and DL-44 shifted for another DH-17 and BB-8.


No Jetpack?

It is inconsistent due to few damage sides. 2 is asking for rerolls.

No Electroshock?

It´s a 1 for 1 and good when you are at equal pace with the opponent on development and the quality matters. Our goal here is to have more and thus do we want stuff that are 2 for 1 to widen that gap. Simply, if we have 5 and they have 3, removing 1 doesn´t matter. But if we remove 2 they´ve basically lost the turn.

Why Draw Attention over Field Medic?

We will draw a lot of cards. There´ll be chains like Promotion for a , Holdout Blaster discarding it for reduction and then Rearm Promotion back again for another . With so much to do we do not want to spend more absolutely necessary.

3 commentaires

Book 1394

No Electroshock seems like an oversight. Also, with 5 damage sides on your two characters PLUS the other ranged results, Jetpack is nuts AND die mitigation. I would easily rank it is as one of the best upgrades in the game.

Field Medic is just better than Draw Attention.

Also not sure about Don't Get Cocky giving opponent more reroll fodder and opportunities to draw out of a bad round. Seems pretty high risk for that exact situation.

capetoider 163

What's your take on not eLeia + Finn?

Scactha 888

It´s tough because of the on her second die. On one hand is 1, 2, 2 better than 1, 2, 1 on Finn, but the cost is a concern. It doesn´t sound much, but it can be the difference between getting that extra out or not.

That said does she actually offer more because of her many native rerolls. Finn is worse there with his over her . Additionally it´s very powerful to be able to discard a blank to reroll two of your own dice. It really means that she´s the only character with no dead side side of a die. She will always deliver.

In summary, I can se it go both ways.

(And is a little surprised Leia gets so little attention)