Rey / Han Ambush combo

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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Jehilo 1

This is my version of the Ambush combo with Rey and Han Solo. If you are not aware of this it basically goes like; play an ambush upgrade on Rey and get an additional action from ambush and a second free action with her static ability. Then play another upgrade and continue to get free actions with her ability until you can no longer play upgrades. What some people do not know is to discard already in play upgrades to make the others cheaper in your hand. When you play the ambush cards you get free shields on Han Solo and can Riposte away the shields and get more on him again. You finish your turn before your opponent due to this so you can always claim the battlefield and get an upgrade back for the following turn. Because of Starship Graveyard I put in a singleton copy of Hunker Down for shields to put on Rey. She needs to live which is why I am playing both Draw Attention and Heroism. After some playtesting it might be overkill and Heroism could be dropped to one copy or even none, but as of now I believe they a re necessary.

Please leave comments and questions if you have any and I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks :)

4 commentaires

rjc243 1

Have you ever test the deck with Awakening? Did you find you don't need it?

Jehilo 1

@rjc243 I do not want to come off rude, but I actually am not a fan of Awakening. It is a situational card, and does not serve a purpose in this deck. I do play situational cards like Infamous and Deflect but they serve the purpose of helping the combo or staying alive. Awakening costs a resource and could literally do nothing to impact the game for 1 or 2 turns or the entire game. Playing the deck, I have not had a turn where I could not use modified sides, so the card is not needed. It is also a blue card which lowers the effectiveness of infamous which is another drawback in this deck.

rjc243 1

That's good feedback, I've only played Han/Rey a few times and its a card I'm still trying to figure out if I like or not.

On a separate item, how are you liking Force Throw? Its another card I see the value you in, but am not sure I will always have the money for. In this deck, I do like the disrupt options as well as the special, which makes it a great dice.

Jehilo 1

@rjc243 In this game any cards that manipulate dice are high value. Force Throw is a great card, but Rey will almost always die first making it one of the cards that lose value the most during the game. I feel the card is good right now, but will lose value as more sets come out. So if you don't have the money for it, it isn't necessary to go get right away. I would not replace it for events or support since this deck revolves around upgrades, but I don't see the harm with replacing it with another upgrade such as [Infiltrate] which also manipulates opposing dice, (/card/01052) Force Training for extra damage or Jedi Robes for more focusing. This list I chose Force Throw because I wanted the manipulation without losing damage, but I feel you can play a longer game and use different upgrades to make that happen.