Villain Swarm or Bala Horde

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Aucun. Ce deck est fait-maison.
Inspiration pour
Pas encore.

mtancks 1

No legendaries deck that holds it's own against top level decks. This deck started as a "this is what I have to play with" deck and has evolved from there.

Upgrades are all muscle and events are all control. This deck has won 6 or 7 tournaments so far beating Rey-Gon, Jango-Veers, Vader-Raider and Han-Rey many times. It has even beaten Hyperloop. Has a bit of trouble against slow tanky control decks (Luke-Ackbarfor one).

2 commentaires

sruman 1

How often do you find the confiscations beneficial? The economic potential of the decks does not seem that high implying a bigger hit to you than your opponent.

mtancks 1

Its true I don't use Confiscate very often. Every once in a while my deck generates a bunch of resources and its nice for it to have somewhere to go. Other than that its a re-roll.