eVader/Raider 21-1 Record

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Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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bray182 49

Having had large success with this deck and hearing the complaints/faults of the deck, I thought I would throw this together to help clarify/elaborate my card choices for this deck as well as provide some insight. I have been playing eVaider/Raider since week 2 of launch. The deck carried me to 4-0 status in the TTS league season 1 before I lost interest (I didn't count this in my 21-1 record). While playing around with various other decks including jango/veers, younglings (hoping this deck gets better with SoR), Rey/Han, Jango/2trooper, I found them quite linear and simple to play. While some builds of Vader/Raider can be like that I find having 12 manipulation cards to be extremely fun to navigate where you are always questioning your decision at the start of every turn and playing around what your opponent potentially has.

I'll start by talking about various cards that didn't make the cut:

No Mercy

This card I found to be too inconsistent when it came to damage with my decision to include more yellow manipulation cards. This deck is not trying to burst and surprise the opponent, it is consistent beat down/control. I experimented with 1 but most games (about 80%) it was a simple discard for a re roll. There is often the awkward situation where you could play it and gain that extra potential 4 damage (more often 2-3) but this could have been achieved through discard in most ways regardless. This card does have a home in some decks (eDooku/eKylo) but not here.

Hunker Down

I'll sum it up in 1 word: SLOW. As nice as this card is it's not where this deck wants to be. As I will discuss later, claiming the BF is still something this deck wants to do often, despite its control elements and this card makes that incredibly difficult.

Use The Force

While this card is great as doubling for both soft removal and manipulation, it allowed the opponent to interact with it. As I will discuss later, Vader is always the target that should be taken down first, as a result spotting a blue can be risky. I feel this is ample reason enough to not run these in the 30.

It Binds All Things

Fantastic card, just not in this deck. Playing outside of turn 1 is just disgusting and bad. If we were playing bigger upgrades it would slot right in but you aren't in a hurry to load vader/raider with big upgrades. I have won countless games where I never played a 2 resource or higher upgrade, while getting it turn 1 feels so good it is not worth sacrificing your consistency to "save" resources.

Cards currently in testing


With a lot of my local meta filling up with Akbar/Leia and Jango/Veers due to scarcity and cost, dug in can become a massive problem. having a 0 cost event is always awesome and will slot its way in over potentially dodge/a lightsaber/immobilize if the meta becomes faster with these decks.

Now for most of you that's probably all you want to know about, you've seen the list, netdecked and have started building but now, I am going to go explain my deck further and follow up with gameplay choices/mulligans/BF choices and other things as I get time (feel free to ask questions below if you would like an answer).

Why I play the deck

As discussed earlier, I love a deck where I'm forced to think about my play and map out potential outcomes. Sure, you could do this with any deck but this deck has enough interaction/manipulation to turn your misplay into a game turning moment. Younglings offered this to a non interactive extent where it was more trying to navigate a maze to find the shortest path. Thinking 2-3 actions ahead is a must for this deck, especially as you will see in the match up section. Overall, I have enjoyed the deck thoroughly and hope this introduction has been a good starting point for you and that you will continue reading as I break down my choices further.

My battlefield (and battlefields in general)

This is what makes the game unique, while at the moment there are 2-3 seemingly safe battlefields, I consider this to be the only safe battlefield available in the meta at the moment. In my 18-1 record with playing this deck over the past 6 weeks I have always, where possible, chosen the opponent battlefield. The only time I broke this rule was when the BF directly sped up the opponents plan (command centre for padme). Being second isn't a major problem for this deck but the 2 shields are massive for standing up to the faster decks that are available. So much so that I believe FFG will change the ruling on battlefield selection to only offer 1 shield instead of 2 within the next year, that is a story for another time though.

There are arguably far superior BF choices I could be making such as starkiller base, rebel command centre or even emperors throne room. My counter point to these choices is that ultimately, this version of Vader Raider is slower. You will find your first few turns will be removing opponents dice and then focusing on what you can roll/reroll. Having one of those previously mentions BFs can place you in a serious spot of bother against your opponent, especially if they are god rolling and you can't mitigate fast enough, you then become a victim to your own BF. By choosing imperial armoury you are selecting a BF that won't impact you directly while also having a plan for claim if you drew that extra force throw/saber/mind probe that you can't play.

Card List Choices

(Let me know in the comments below if you'd like to know about my card choices and I'll write an in depth discussion, for now I won't discuss the cards as I have more important points I'd like to cover).

How I mulligan

A key part of the game that most players are now only starting to understand. I stick to the following formula when I mulligan with this deck:

  • look at first 5 cards
  • Look for holocron and if it is not there mulligan everything EXCEPT for 1 playable 2 resource upgrade, only force choke and force training are playing at 2 in my opinion. immobilize is in there to combo with holocron and to offer it as another modifier.
  • Sidenote: If I am up against a deck that contains a lot of modifiers I will often keep electroshocks/he doesn't like you in my openers to help throw off the balance.

Obviously every game should be played depending on the circumstance but this formula has not let me down so far.

Match ups

eAkbar/eLeia I feel is 60/40 in our favour. NEVER discard down to 0 until Akbar is dead. I find Leia is always the first to be targeted unless Akbar is suited up first and very quickly. Leia can win games on her own, Akbar cannot.

eJango/eVeers My pet hate is sitting across from Jango/Veers, I know I'm in for a tough slog. I would put the match up 60/40 their way. Manipulation Is key here I have found myself not playing an upgrade till turn 2/3 just so I can remove key dice and stem the bleeding. As always, focus Jango first so you have a chance to interact, don't mulligan away your backups here, usually I would but they are key in forcing your opponent to activate their Jango. If they keep passing, don't be afraid to pass as well even if they have the BF. The longer the game goes the better the odds are for you.

4 character decks (or 3 character with 4 dice) Force strike is key in these matchups. If they have a nightsister focus her first. This is one of the few decks I will try and race aggressively, even discarding key cards like holocron to try and push through that last piece of damage. Don't be afraid to switch hero targets after 1-2 damage, you need to shut off their key non redeploy upgrades like jetpack and others as quickly as you can.

eVader/Raider (mirror match) This will be a grind. Always respect the no mercy and pay attention to their backup muscles. Having the Raider being able to resolve 1 of his dice is crucial here especially when used in conjunction with other cards such as holocron/probe and force throw. Always go for the Vader first. Be careful about discarding aggressively, although the games don't tend to go as long as you are both at a small amount of health compared to other decks they vader ability can have a massive input into the deck.

other control decks (Padme/Jabba) Make no mistake, these decks will punish you if you misplay/underestimate them. don't let the game go too long otherwise they will take control. Focus down their discard outlet first and then pick off the stragglers. They will have plenty of dice control cards so keep all copies of force strike.

20 commentaires

krzykoopa 1

Hello Bray, thank you for the write up. I have a few questions. If you are 21-1 how do you come up with 60/40 chances against decks? You said spotting a blue character can be risky use the force didn't make the cut but both isolation and deflect spot blue character why? You also say that hunker down is slow but then admit that this version of V/R is slower? I think Imperial armory is a very punishing/swinging bf and there is definitely more benign choices but I digress on that I am curious as to why you think there will be a change to the shields given out? Once again good write up, thank you for sharing.

Virtigo501 123

I've grown to be ok running my Vader/Raider as a patient slow deck that re-rolls, and uses 2x bind all things, 2x hunker downs. I never get the battlefield, but if I can re-roll Vader after my opponent has claimed and get 2 melee off, it's a win. Also hunkers are absolutely incredible, and games where I get two on Vader early against range decks really helps win games. I need more practice however...

krzykoopa 1

@Virtigo501 I play it similar, I rarely get the battlefield unless I aggressively go for it.

bray182 49

Hey sorry for the delay, I'll write up my choices now and cover it point by point.

Match up percentages

Odds like are done in a vacuum assuming no player makes a misplay. Variance, pilot error and misplays are all things that occur to change this. Overall Jango veers is just quicker and if it takes down vader quickly there is generally no chance of a comeback.

Spotting a blue character

You want "spot blue" cards to be good in the early game and give you the best advantage possible. Dodge and Isolation are hard removal, use the force is not. Blanking a dice is powerful but committing a card, and action and a resource to blank it and not remove it is massive. Sure, it can be used to push through damage but the opponent has a chance to interact with it at that point.

Hunker Down

Yes this version of V/R is slow but it has a game plan, consistent damage while controlling their dice. hunker down does not fit in with that strategy. The argument can be made that the game will draw itself out longer and give you heroes survivability but at what cost? The moment you look at what to cut you are either diluting your consistent damage/diluting holocron tempo plays and most importantly, cutting removal.

BF choice

It certainly isn't a swingy BF, it helps reduce the cost of force throw/probe/saber that you have in hand while offering the opponent a similar advantage, not impacting your current turn board state any further (as all heroes have been rolled in/theirs can no longer be rolled in). All others can be dangerous and help the opponent in a major way.

As for the shields I believe it's a clear answer, having an extra 2 shields to start the match is insane. vader goes from 13 to an effective 15, that's difficult to deal with given the mass amounts of manipulation contained in the deck. I could see them changing this to 1 shield and the result still being the same.

cecio83 122

Hi.. I never played a Vader deck, just have to do it soon :) But, seeing your deck I found it a bit -less. Yes, you have Sith Holocron, but you need to see it, no other economy cards like Datapad or It Binds All Things.

I don't agree with you, still in turn 3-4, It Binds All Things it's not a dead card :)

Why not play Enrage? 1 dmg to Vader in turn 1 to play a 3-cost upgrade is worth in my opinion, maybe you can drop 1 Lightsaber, you still have a great dmg output.

Congrats for your results! :)

bray182 49

@cecio83 Yes it is resource light, however I have never found myself desperately needing the resources. This is the type of deck uses its 2 per turn for mitigation where occasionally I will be claiming resources off my dice. Datapad is terrible in this deck and that should be obvious. Characters not having specials is a big deal, they have a chance to remove your modified dice if you don't put it on a special. As for it binds all things.

I'll say again, this deck is not about loading equipment onto vader/raider and rolling in. It binds all things has an awesome effect that will pay for itself over time I don't disagree however you missed the crucial part of your plan. It takes up 2 slots that DON'T fit your game plan. What would you cut? Cutting more upgrades makes it binds all things worse and cutting more events (which are all events/damage) makes your deck worse/less controlling.

Enrage has the same problem as it binds all things, only worse as you are DAMAGING your own character to get that resource as well as using an action as well as a card. Let me paint another picture for you as well. Say in your opening hand you have enrage and holocron. Do you mulligan away the holocron to find the lightsaber or do you mulligan away enrage to find a probe/throw? The answer should always be the enrage and that's where the problem lies. You are playing another type of combo (turn 1 saber) that is not optimal in comparison to the combo you want, so why run the enrage in the first place? Enrage/it binds all things/use the force/armed to the teeth are all cards that belong in an agro vader deck, not in the control shell that this is representing.

Hope this clears a few choices up and makes more sense now.

cecio83 122

Hum....I'm still have some doubt, about the idea in general of the deck, btw THIS is the cool of the game, same cards, different ideas ;)

bray182 49

@cecio83 I know, it's easy to say well this card does X which over the long run will be good for the deck but with only 30 cards it's so hard to make room for cards that work in "theory"

krzykoopa 1

@bray182 I want to address the BF and you saying it certainly isn't a swingy BF. There are a bunch of decks that play 1 and 2 cost upgrades (probably all) and when they claim and put a blaster pistol out for free or a 2 cost or 3 cost overwriting they ramp against you by getting a free action, a free resource and going first next round, this is very swingy. The matchup you hate that you said is 60/40 against you this battlefield helps ALOT. As I said there is more benign BFs and Imperial armory is good for V/R but great for many other decks,

bray182 49

@krzykoopa it really isnt. If they want to claim early and ramp it means either i have removed enough of their dice as they still have a card to play and didnt reroll or they played all their dice anyway. Sure them ramping sucks but there is no better BF at the moment that can also help your cause. The three cost overwrite i am usually not worried about as they often overwrite a redeploy (all of which are 2 cost in jango) which makes it better for me. The reasons you just listed are the extreme and can be said about any BF in a certain situation. You are clearly not seeing the benefits provided to you when they claim and that is that you can then reroll and play without concern of interaction. The only time you can let your guard down.

krzykoopa 1

Oh and @bray182 why the 1 immobilize?

krzykoopa 1

@bray182 Jango is faster than you and V/R is inherently slower so I am not listing a strange situation its something that naturally will occur every round and this battlefield helps their tempo. The point I am making is you will not be claiming the battlefield more often then your opponent so the benefit of the battlefield chosen is going to them. This is why I said there is more benign BFs.

bray182 49

@krzykoopa the 1 immobilize is for the combo with holocron. Making it that bit better. More blanking is nice as well. I know its a bad card (force choke is as well while we are on that topic) but its there to play off holocron while representing removal.

The funny thing about this build is while jango is faster, my vuild of VR keep its at bay. Ive had several games where i have been dealt 2 or less damage while being able to sneak in holocron upgrades on turn 1. If they have tried to optimise their turn by aggresively rerolling after my mitigation then they should have no other decent play to make. My point is against other VR decks that aggresively upgrade their characters they often dont interact as much as i do. Meaning that the jango player will be allowed to sculpt their hand as they wish.

krzykoopa 1

@bray182 Thank you for your replies 8)

Reklawyad 65

@bray182 Nice write up of the deck and the cards and why you didn't put them in. I'm told all the time in my Vader/Raider to put in No Mercy and time and time again I'm always pitching it or not finding it worthwhile because of the 2 cost.

I don't run Immobilize as I have that one setup in another deck, but I'm thinking of moving it over, instead I run a single Intimidate, I also run two Kylo Swords instead of 2 Lightsaber, but I'm thinking of changing that around as well, the redeploy is just too good when Vader or the Raider is getting a death sentence.

Your other events are identical as well as the support. I run another BF, the Rebel War Room, just in case I roll the resource melee of the Raider and don't have the resources to pay for it, but I feel your choice is also a solid one as well, especially if you get the turn one Holocron and Kylo sword comes that would be amazing.

Blaze Firestar 46

I have played eLeia/eAckbar for a little while and recently came up against a Vader Raider, and I have to say that the 60/40 odds are there, but in eLeia/eAckbar's favor. While cards like It's a Trap! don't work as well since it is inherently melee damage cards like Defensive Position and Block can be fantastic, especially with Vader's die sides and the sides of most of he big upgrades in this deck. Vader's discard ability can be frustrating, but it is never a huge loss unless your hand is just a FANTASTIC combo, in which case you'll have to make a sacrifice and adapt to the game. I do agree with your point of Leia being able to win games by herself, but any intelligent player will realize that you're trying to focus her down, and that means I load up Ackbar from that point on.

BobaFatt 2

While I get that some times you pitch No Mercy, for me it has won more than it has lost. I've been playing Vader/Raider since the game broke and pretty much all alterations of it. The decks with No Mercy outperform the decks that don't, in my opinion. Also, while the meta is ranged heavy I do not play Dodge because of the cost and because there is so much removal in this deck already I rarely need it. I run one Use The Force and one Intimidate. I feel it's almost necessary to run either two Deflect or two Intimidate.

bray182 49

@Reklawyad the best thing about lightsaber is you over ride a probe or throw just before that character is about to die. Awesome tempo. As for war room uts too tisky against kylo dooku decks.

@Blaze Firestar i have never lost to akbar leia in a tournament and block is rarely played. The cool thing about this deck is because you are slower and dont have as many melee modifieres you can resolve dice before rolling in your second character if you are worried about mitigation. Tagets can often change. Usually by turn 2 leia and akbar are suited up and you can make a solid call about who to hit. It does change all the time. The thing about VR against this deck is that you have no removal. If you combo i can aggresivley reroll and usually get 6-8 damage consistently which when combined with my mitigation is too fast.

@BobaFatt in my deck it is very much a meta call. A large chunk are running leia akbar and jango veers because they are very legendary light with all the stock issues. These cards ensure that i can manage their threats and god rolls (usually). I played no mercy for a period of time but just found it so mild especially when dug in started seeing more play. If i had the choice of dealing 4 extra damage or preventing 3 i would prevent 3 any day. Do you play VR mirrors much? You are down to 4 straight away which hurts no mercy even more as well and thats not including consistency with draws. I agree with intimidate though. As i said earlier i am only testing that one and it still hasnt made the cut.

Blaze Firestar 46

While I can understand that you can mitigate my dice it is almost more likely for me to mitigate yours. I have recently tried using Retreat in Leia/Ackbar and it works wonders. If you're slow rolling it can allow me to deal my damage and then leave, and if I had the battlefield at the end of last round I would be able to go again and potentially do it again.

Changing targets is actually a huge no-no for me. I would rather my opponent get stacked and me get rid of a character than leave an additional character out there to cause more havoc.

bray182 49

@Blaze Firestar if you play retreat thats a turn where you usually played no upgrade so a plus for me. Not to mention i can roll in tusken and resolve straight away. Sure you may be able to get in quick damage but you can only do it twice at most over the whole game. As for changing targets it happens at the start not after mass damage.