Guns and Roses

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
Guns and Roses 17 13 12 1.0
Inspiration pour
Guns and Roses (Columbus December Tournament 1st Place) 77 59 24 3.0

I Fight Dragons 474

Travis Fights Dragons' Han/Rey Deck

Now with actual battlefield!

Gain lots of actions and do lots of damage quickly, leaving little room for your opponent to react, all while being extremely difficult to kill through solid shield generation and dice control.

Basic tips and tricks:

-Playing a Holdout Blaster or DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol on Rey allows you to activate a character and resolve what you roll without your opponent being able to control your dice. You can chain these ambush attachments for extra actions if need be. (Han always shoots first)

-You almost always want to choose your battlefield when given the choice.

-Remember you can over-write upgrades to play new ones. If you are playing with your battlefield, you can then get your ambush upgrades, Hunker Down, or Second Chance back when they are discarded in this way.

-Mulligan for impactful upgrades like Holdout Blaster, Hunker Down, or Jetpack; as well as Infamous.

-Hunker Down is not removed by melee damage unless it goes through your shields, making it extra juicy in a heavy shield deck.

-Your most impactful late game upgrades are DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol, Force Throw, Second Chance and One with The Force

-If they focus Rey, you can punish with burst damage from Han Solo's dice and Riposte using Han's excess shields. If they focus Han, they leave you open to extra action plays while also targeting the harder to kill target.

-Be wary of large amounts of burst damage and cards like Intimidate and On the Hunt. Against these cards, it's best to save some shield generation until after they are used to re-establish your defense.

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