All Out War (SoR meets It's A Trap!)

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Ajones47 576

This is a variation on the 'It's A Trap!' decks that made the rounds about mid-Awakenings meta. The addition of eSnap and Planetary Uprising, plus the added health pool of the Rebel Commando, make it a much heavier meal for your opponent to chew through.

It's A Trap!

Just in case you aren't familiar with the deck: eLeia/eAckbar, lots of cheap Red upgrades, and It's a Trap! made up the core of the Awakenings archetype which inspires this one. The idea of that deck was to put the cheap upgrades on your characters (Promotion/DH-17 Blaster Pistol) and use Rearm to get at least one the IQA-11 Blaster Rifle in there too.

Then, you roll your two characters in, and wait for your opponent to roll Ranged Damage. Once they did that, you played It's a Trap! for a massive whack of damage which, thanks to Ambush, your opponent did not have the chance to respond to. It was death to semi-fast aggro decks like Jango/Veers.

All Out War

All Out War builds on the above with a hefty splash of Spirit Of Rebellion cards. There are welcome new additions to the dice which you can It's a Trap! in the form of Overkill, and new weapons you can put into play like the A180 Blaster. Rearm remains a crucial component of getting these upgrades out cheaply, while Bombing Run and Guerrilla Warfare give you new avenues to attack your opponents with normally non-damage dice. Basically, no matter what you roll, no matter what your opponent does, they're taking damage from all sides. It's all out war!

Opening Hand, Assigning Upgrades, Play Decisions

The deck is pretty straight-forward, so I won't go crazy with the in-depth analysis.

Otoh Gunga - Naboo has been chosen because it aids the huge pool of health you have at your disposal without greatly benefiting your opponent. If Snap rolls his 2 face and your opponent only has two resources, resolve it immediately. If you have Bombing Run out when you do it, all the better. Even if your opponent does claim, one health here and there isn't going to help them when It's a Trap! can turn your mid-game pool of a few dice into an easy ten-twelve damage.

You want to try and find those cheap upgrades ASAP, so aggressively mulligan for:

At least one of Promotion or DH-17 Blaster Pistol (preferably one of each).

Try and get at least one Wingman. Two are better than one.

And soft mulligan for Tactical Aptitude. This is a great cycle card. Put it on the Rebel Trooper so you can cycle while you Guardian.

If you see It's a Trap! in your opening hand, I'd almost send it back. You want to see this card around turn three or later, once a few upgrades are in play. Tactical Aptitude helps you to find it when you need it, so if you see both It's a Trap! and Tactical Aptitude in your opening hand, mulligan the former and trust the latter to bring a copy back later.

On the first turn ideally you'll want to put Wingman on the Commando, Tactical Aptitude on the Trooper, and then split Promotion and DH-17 Blaster Pistol between the Commando and Snap. It's crucial in these early rounds to keep Snap alive, so Guardian aggressively, Field Medic the Trooper aggressively, and remember to draw a card and roll in the Commando whenever you activate him. If you see Rearm and you have either the IQA-11 Blaster Rifle or the A180 Blaster in hand, discard the weapon for a reroll, then Rearm it on to the Commando at a discounted rate.

Once you have both copies of Wingman in play, and a few upgrades on the Commando and Snap, it's time to It's a Trap!. If you have Hit and Run in hand with It's a Trap! this becomes all too easy: just wait for a Ranged Damage symbol to show up on your opponent's side of the table, then Hit and Run, Wingman, play It's a Trap! with the Ambush, and then resolve all that damage with the second Ambush. It's nuts.

Planetary Uprising is an amazing card. One of two things is going to happen with it: either it will be errata'd by FFG to be Unique, or the meta will shift to favour Sabotage, Surgical Strike and the AT-ST in every deck. So enjoy it while you can. Disrupting your opponents resources, keeping a Snap die in the pool to prevent their claim, and then claiming when you're good and ready for two-to-four Planetary Uprising damage is so filthy you'll almost want to quit the game.

Put Planetary Uprising out mid-game, and don't forget to watch for the opportunity where two claims in a row will win the game for you. When your opponent is four health away from defeat, one claim of the battlefield will bring them down to two health, and then you claim again as soon as the next round starts for the win. In this situation, don't even bother rolling in. The same scenario applies if you have two copies of Planetary Uprising in play, and your opponent has one character with eight health left. They either have to claim immediately, or they lose. And Snap can prevent them from doing that. It's almost worse than the Hyperloop.

Decks which favour heavy Melee Damage are a tougher nut to crack. These are usually mono-blue. Don't despair, though: You still have Bombing Run, you still have Planetary Uprising, and when the opportunity presents itself, you can still trigger It's a Trap! off the occasional Ranged Damage symbol on mono-blue staples like Darth Vader - Dark Apprentice, Force Throw, Force Push, Force Training, Handcrafted Light Bow and Mind Probe. Against these decks, be less conservative with It's a Trap!, play it opportunistically, and rely on your supports and disruption to win the game.

Possible Changes

Moisture Farm - Tatooine wouldn't be a bad choice of battlefield, either.

Extra copies of Overkill and A180 Blaster in place of Tactical Aptitude, depending on your personal preferences.

Thanks for reading! All of my decks are a constant work in process. If you do try this deck out, let me know how it went, and what changes you made to suit your playstyle.

2 commentaires

pantsyg 15

Cool deck. It's very similar to a Poe/Snap I've been testing out, but I like the larger health pool here. Mono-Red Hero seems to be the place to go for good aggro decks, and I like the splash of disruption Snap enables. Wingman is a great upgrade here.

Tactical Aptitude is an interesting pick; it slows down the turn you play it, but I like the mill-proof cycle and it helps dig up PU in the mid-game, when you want to play it.

Ajones47 576

Mono-Red Hero is just starting to get awesome! I like Poe/Snap too. Good choice.

It's a hard choice including a slow card in a quick deck, but I think Tactical Aptitude is a bit undervalued at the moment. That being said, it's also the first thing I'd cut if I wanted some extra dice in the pool.