Cost of War

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kbfresh147 77

Gonna go through the cards I have placed, feel free to tell me why you agree/disagree with their placement in the deck.

DH-17 Blaster Pistol - No brainer, great cheap upgrade

Holdout Blaster - Another no brainer, ambush/redeploy/decent sides

Jetpack - Between this or overkill based on previous suggestions, this one gets the benefit of being able to gain ambush through Infamous and has some built in control against melee which may not be a terrible thing these days

DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol - High value sides makes it appealing, has ambush plus the initial equip bonus of removing an opponent's dice in the pool.

Rocket Launcher - Definitely up for debate. Again, super high value sides and if it can be equipped by writing over another weapon it's not so bad. But having to pay a resource to always resolve its sides is rough in a deck where even one of the characters has a side that requires a resource to be resolved. Outmaneuver may help with that but no guarantee.

Fast Hands - I think it's a solid inclusion anytime there's a character capable of doing either 3 damage or 2 disrupt because of the pressure that places on the opponent. With its ability to potentially ambush off Infamous, seems like a pretty obvious inclusion.

C-3PO - A late addition, possible tech choice up for debate. I wouldn't call it an optimal inclusion but the ability to use a die's value and resolve it as any other symbol is just nuts, especially in a deck where 2's and 3's are so common. Only played a couple games but have already ran into moments where I've had two or three dice showing disrupt and my opponent had no resources to get rid of at that point. If one of those can suddenly be resolved as a focus, I think the deck potentially gets a lot scarier. This is something I'd like to get people's responses to.

Infamous - Not as many yellow cards in this deck as there have been in other Han decks but enough that you can get value from it. Especially nice on Fast Hands.

Outmaneuver - Tech choice that I think is super helpful. With Snap on our side, it seems likely that claiming the battlefield should happen for us more than it does for our opponent. This turns any battlefield being used into having a bonus Moisture Farm - Tatooine effect for us and this deck can never have enough resources.

Planetary Uprising - Accidentally omitted this card in the last list, absolutely needs to be included. Keeps the pressure up on opponents and if one or two of these is out there alongside Outmaneuver, claiming the battlefield will be very important to the opponent.

Bombing Run - Going to have a lot of disrupt showing, I like the synergy with the deck but is a candidate for replacement.

Collateral Damage - Great card for the deck. Can resolve all the ranged damage you want and then potentially take away that resource they were saving to claim the battlefield with.

Defensive Position - I think it's likely that this deck will be holding the battlefield more often than the opponent meaning this should be in play more often than not. Not much other dice removal in the deck, possible consideration for having 2 not just one.

Dug in - Again, should be in play more often than not. Always annoying to have to chew through more shields.

Hit and Run - Helps get Snap's dice out quickly, has ambush to trigger Han's effect, 0-cost event.

Hold On! - Han will generate a decent amount of shields, Snap will not. With such a low base health, anything that will help keep both characters alive should be helpful. Plus after you use it, Han gains another shield. Could be big down the stretch.

Planned Explosion - I love this card so much, even if it's not something one should rely on. Probably one of the top candidates for replacement, but such a game changer if it hits and this is a deck that has high enough value sides to use it "relatively" effectively.

Unpredictable - Soft control, ambush, 0-cost.

Key Weaknesses

  1. Resource Denial Decks - This deck needs resources and a lot of them. A lot of die sides require payment to resolve so if those aren't there to use, there are going to be problems. It can be overcome, but it will be difficult.
  2. High Burst Damage - This is a big problem. With only 18 base health, this is likely one of the lowest health values you can get with two characters at 30 points. Han will effectively have higher health due to his ability but it could get dicey quickly even with his shields. Vibroknife is one of the worst things you can see as an opening play and anytime Poe Dameron - Ace Pilot is across the table, better hope for some big damage quickly.

Let me know what you think. I love the synergy between the two characters and I think it can work but definitely requires a bit of tinkering. The big things I'd like responses to are:

  1. Number of Supports in the deck
  2. Upgrades that should/shouldn't be included
  3. Not a lot of control, concern or no?
2 commentaires

letzgoterps 1

I've been trying my own builds with these two and I'm not sure it's viable. I'll try your list and play some more games. Was really excited about the combo, but damn if it's nearly impossible due to low health. In roughly half my games, Snap has died on the 1st turn. :/

kbfresh147 77

I had the same problems. 8 health on Snap plus his ability always makes him the priority target and it feels so easy to burn that down quickly. If he can survive two rounds, you're probably in good shape but that's difficult. I also discovered this deck suffers from lack of money pretty much always, logistics is probably a good addition that I don't have here. Don't use Separatist Base, use Carbon Freezing chamber. Can make a huge difference early trying to keep Snap alive. Outmaneuvar is also something I'm not sold on, up to you. Hopefully you have better luck than I did!