Rainbow Weapon Junk

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
Inspiré de
20 Weapon Salute 12 8 4 1.0
Inspiration pour
Pas encore.

Thaddeus 7

EaW update of Funkar rainbow.

This deck focuses on cycling 3-cost weapons on FN. Unkar helps with opponent hand control and resource income. Guardian helps with opponent dice control.

The Port District is really powerful tool, giving 14 cards ambush. You should aggressively mulligan to weapons strong against your opponent. Try to scout with friends in low places before using Unkar's action.

Won store tournament 3:0.

3 commentaires

Heimdall 1

Very good deck and FN-2199's ability is still stupidly good, even after EaW release ! NEED ERRATA FFG, THANKS :) !

JulesW 1

Why no Truce? Enables Turn 1 3-cost weapon.

Thaddeus 7

@JulesW: You can reroll for resource or mainly make resources with unkar, you don't need economy cards to make the combo rolling first turn.