eBane/DeathTrooper w/ Training

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eBane/DeathTrooper w/ Training 0 0 0 2.0

wund3k 57

Perfect Mulligan: Deadly, Training, Weapon w/ ambush, Doubt or Flank for dice control. Gameplan: VERY important to slap that Training on Death Trooper early, helps to roll a hell of a DMG with Cad. As you can see not there's not many upgrades with dice, mostly because Deadly is amazing here. Try putting one on each of your characters. Then it's mostly LL-30 or Holdout Blaster to add some additional ranged DMG. If things are not going your way, go for Hidden Agenda to bring back Death Trooper with Endless Ranks for 3 resource. I'm still tweaking it a bit, but it's real fun deck to play :-) let me know what do you think, and if you have any notes to share, DEW IT!

6 commentaires

iaturobi 27

Why Logistics and not Truce ? You have only 4 dice with a resource and only 1 red character and what you really want is to hit damage on your dice and kill fast, a long game is not favoring you!! Plus Flank with 2 characters is a poor choice, better go with Sound The Alarm or maybe a high cost but high reward Reversal or better yet The Best Defense...!! Hasty Exit is also nice for this deck and maybe throw a Tactical Mastery in for a quick execution on a low hp character!

wund3k 57

@iaturobi yeah, you're right about Logistics, thanks, I'll throw Truce in. Hasty Exit is awesome, but unfortunatelly I don't have it yet. I'll try running Entangle instead, can't use The Best Defense..., I already deal dmg to myself with Cannon Fodder, which works good. Thanks for the tips!

Icezox 7

I think that The Best Defense... is better than Cannon Fodder since it can control more dice.

iaturobi 27

Quick Draw isn't good for this deck, your objective should be Training on Death Trooper and weapons on Cad Bane - Vicious Mercenary to take advantage of his ability so there is no reason to have Quick Draw cause you are not going to play any of the 4 weapons you have on DT!! Your main damage dealer is Cad Bane what you have to do is draw aggro early on DT with training and cards like Cannon Fodder and the The Best Defense... while Cad shoots em down! Maybe Bait and Switch would be better or Take Flight or even Face-Off cause Cad has a strong die and good chances to do a Swiftness plus Face-Off combo where you get the free 2 dmg plus whatever damage Cad might roll ;)

LCD Gaming - Nate B 1

I might be wrong in my assumption but I think your opponent will be trying to kill Cad bane first so the Endless Ranks would then be useless. Unless you had more ways of moving the damage onto death trooper and/or really protecting Cad.

wund3k 57

@NathanBowden yup, you're right, I've been playing couple of times and not once got to Play Endless Ranks. That and Hidden Agenda are out. My suggestions? Still like playing it.