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Sinomi 375
For-Funsies janky Standardies deck built around survival and slow burn.
Leia Organa - Heart of the Resistance is the clear star and main target, (most likely) so she gets all of the shields. Hera Syndulla - Phoenix Leader is mostly for flavor, but being able to cheat in vehicles is convenient once in a while. (For once, I didn't build the deck around activating her )
Ideal first hand is something like:
Do the old Rearm from discard trick to play a free Promotion on either character. (Well, it's not really "free" ... you're using a card and an action to cheat a resource, but at least you get to draw another card too!) Roll in and hopefully hit at least 1 side to get the train going. If enough are available after messing with the dice, play the Hailfire Droid Tank. If you can't, cheat it in with Hera Syndulla - Phoenix Leader via C-3PO if you didn't already roll or focus into a .
Holding onto a removal card like Suppressive Fire or hitting their hand with Commando Raid also aren't bad options for round 1.
Rebellion Leader should never be hard cast. It's too expensive to justify without overwriting at least Promotion, but ideally it would replace Survival Gear. Since this deck has a wide variety of possible symbols, (literally all 10, with Hera alone having 6 of them,) the Power Action on Rebellion Leader could actually one's bacon if used at the right time - if we remember to use it!
Hit and Run into Commando Raid off of Leia's can be devastating. Partnership also offers some action cheating and can be combined with C-3PO to open a wide variety of plays.
Mono-Red unfortunately leaves a lot of be desired in terms of cheap, non-conditional removal, so I might try to squeeze in either Defensive Position (I'm worried we're not fast enough here) or Way of the Light just in case. I'm also considering switching the Battlefield to Weapons Factory Alpha - Cymoon 1, but I'm not sure I have enough vehicles to really make it worth it...
Play nice!