Shaggro Caster!! 5-2 Maryland Regional

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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GregtheBiz 391

Tier 1 list until rotation.


9 commentaires

Hessian Sack 1338

We've talked about this lol...but -1 Hidden Motive and +1 Arc Caster

GregtheBiz 391

Lol, that was the only difference between our lists after all of our tinkering.

hollandg7 25

I made a trilogy version of this deck with L3-37 - Droid Revolutionary instead of Hired Gun and I found Propel very useful. It can focus your dice or change your opponents', making it helpful against Darth Vader - Terror To Behold and Vader's Fist. I also replaced one Shadow Caster with one Millennium Falcon in order to avoid Flames of the Past.

Hessian Sack 1338

@hollandg7 In the version I'm building for Trilogy, I'm going to use Satine Kryze - Hope of Mandalore ;) seems a better choice than L3-37 - Droid Revolutionary

hollandg7 25

Definitely agree! Satine Kryze - Hope of Mandalore is a great replacement. Maybe Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herderto target things like Sebulba Always Wins

GregtheBiz 391

Satine is soo good! I did NOT think they would print a 8 point, 9 life character with a 2 damage side and two resource sides....

I think theres a chance of Friends in Low Places being reprinted. That would be amazing.

Hessian Sack 1338

@hollandg7 @GregtheBiz She's probably the only character that is really good with Allies of Necessity too! e{Rose](/card/05040)/eSatine/Wedgie seems good.

Hessian Sack 1338

GregtheBiz 391

I was working on one thats eYoda/eRose/Engineer that seems pretty good with A-Wings as a new 2 cost