Mace/K-2SO- Behind the Dice

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Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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behindthedice 686

Suggestions and comments always welcome! I have been workshopping and tinkering this deck a bit. First thing first, you have some great damage potential here with Mace Windu - Inspiring Master's 3 damage sides, and K-2SO - Incognito,s 2 melee and 3 melee for a buck. The goal here is to save money with It Binds All Things, control the battlefield for Seize the Day and Fresh Supplies, keep everyone alive with Obi-Wan's Hut - Tatooine, Riot Shield, and Field Medic, and deal damage!!! Dagger of Mortis and Ezra Bridger's Lightsaber give you redeploy options, Punch Dagger gives you a cheap die, and Quicksilver Baton gives you its "leader" effect on Mace. Using Mace's power action is a great way to dig through the deck as well. Here is what you should aim for turn 1: (If you start with the battlefield) Play Fresh Supplies and get Mace Windu's Lightsaber on K-2SO - Incognito. Roll him out, use the dice, then use the saber's power action to move it to Mace. Then use it again! This of course can happen at any point during the game, but pulling this off has a ton of turn 1 damage potential! Either that or getting out an early It Binds All Things. All in all this deck is a lot of fun! Where it ranks? Who knows at this point, but one thing is for sure, it can win some games. Have fun with it!

Behind the Dice

3 commentaires

Echo7 328

Nice character combination. I do like a bit of Mace, and that's some solid base you've got going on.

I'm not convinced by It Binds All Things in this deck. Yes, you get to dig through your deck for upgrades, but you only have 4 blue upgrades! I'd either include more blue upgrades (Treasured Lightsaber for instance, who's draw ability shouldn't be underestimated) or dump It Binds All Things for something else rampy, like Logistics.

I prefer the Logistics route, mostly because I just don't really rate It Binds All Things these days. There's great non-blue upgrades like Quicksilver Baton around (gone are the glory days of blue upgrades), plus it takes two turns to gain advantage and that advantage is set back a whole round and it costs you an action when you play it which could be clutch against fast deck. Logistics gives you advantage the round you play it plus it doesn't require an action.

Do you find you have plenty of resources for your costly removal? I'd be tempted to include a copy or two of Upper Hand. Mace has a 75% chance of rolling a 2 or higher on at least one die, and K-2SO a 56% chance, so you're likely to have 2's on the table. Removing a 0 for free is a bargain especially with all the obscene s kicking around these days (Boushh, Entourage, Beckett, Force Storm to name a few, plus removing a blank is still solid before it gets re-rolled/'ed)

lij_xo 252

This looks like a lot of fun and I really like both of these characters. It seems currently like you're gonna be super strapped for resources though. Echoing @rogue6548 here. Since you'll be spending your early resources all on an upgrade and will need any leftovers to resolve K-2's 3, it seems like it'll be hard for you to pull off all the Beguile and Channel The Force, even if they're great cards. I'd run 2x Logistics, probably in place of, like @rogue6548 said, It Binds All Things. And I'd likely take out some of those 2-cost cards for any 0-cost mitigation you can get.

I also would run Salt Flats - Crait over the hut. Let's you turn Mace's dice and gives you some mild mitigation options. One of the best battlefields in the game.

General Vatutin 26

@behindthedice how has this been going?