Scavenger Convergence

Simulateur de pioche
Probabilités: 0% – 0% plus
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Sinomi 375

Mostly just messing around here. The goal is to hit key cards in an opponent's deck with Convergence. (The Jawa is actually a subtype Scavenger character as well, but the site doesn't reflect that.)

Main targets are Force Storm, Force Wave, Megablaster Troopers, Shadow Caster, etc.

Mitigation is relatively light, but that's also due to the 37 health pool doing most of that job for us.

I picked Jawa Scavenger over Clawdite Shapeshifter in part due to speed. I can play Convergence immediately to hit a four-cost upgrade or support rather than having to activate the Clawdite first. I also like having the option to sell off a Smuggling Ring for an extra resource in a pinch. I'm not fully convinced that I should really be sticking with the Jawa, but I also just kind of like Jawas. :P

Villain cards are:

  • Ark Angel (To speed up the support tempo)
  • BT-1 (We have health to spare)
  • Wanton Destruction (Not sure this is the right choice, but it has a pretty high ceiling against Vader and... well, just Vader really.)
  • Considering using Barter With Blood using our health pool as leverage, but the only thing I really want to play with that is Vibrocutlass... unless maybe I add a Pirate Speeder Tank or something to the list too?

Hero cards are:

I don't think this is completely optimized yet and would appreciate feedback!

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