Uncle Ben Kenobi (3-4 Fargo Regional) [My First Regional Dec

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Darth_JarJar 350

-Post done by Hoover of the Cloud City Casuals. So as I said in my last write-up, I am fairly new to the game and I wanted to make a good Luke deck. Well me and the Cloud City crew drove up to Fargo and this was the deck I brought.

The whole goal of the deck is to hit hard with Obi-Wan early game, and to set up Luke for mid to late game. With Obi-Wan generating shields and Heightened Awareness, I could generate shields fairly smoothly for shield manipulation with Ataru Strike, Riposte, and Unbreakable. It was a fun deck to play and surprised a few people when I played against them. If I were to make improvements, I'd probably look to add Vibroknife, Overconfidence, Close Quarters Assault, and Ancient Lightsaber if I could ever get them! So I'll give a brief write up of my day:

Rd 1 - eObi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Master/eMaz Kanata - Pirate Queen - Win. First match was a young kid playing what looked like a card for card copy of the Chicago regional winning variant. He played well, but him playing maz's vault really helped me late game with Luke. I was constantly doing 4-5 damage a round with luke's power action and finally took down Obi. I also had to laugh as he played I believe 5 or 6 players from our group and he did pretty well!

Rd 2 - eObi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Master/eMaz Kanata - Pirate Queen - Win. Another obi/maz matchup, this time against Tom from our group. It was a fun matchup, but he never play tested against my deck, so he didn't know how to handle it. I ended up with 3 sabers on Luke and finished strong late game.

Rd 3 - eBoba Fett - Deadly Mercenary/eSeventh Sister - Agile Inquisitor - Loss (1st in Swiss). I was playing at one of the top tables! I was really excited that I was 2-0 at this point. Then I played the eventual winner of the tournament. And after a double bait and switch killed Obi in Rd 2, and with no upgrades on Luke, I was done by Round 3. That deck really hits hard and fast.

Rd 4 - eZeb Orrelios - The Last Lasat/eKanan Jarrus - Rebel Jedi - Loss (7th in Swiss). Next I played a local player in his first regional as well. He was really good and had a lot of removal, whereas I did not. With a Vibro Ax on Canan and a Zeb rifle on Zeb, he kept destroying my shields and doing roughly 6-9 damage a round while I was doing at most 2-3. I was happy to see him do well, especially running a deck that isn't talked about too much.

Rd 5 - eSabine Wren - Explosives Expert/Kanan Jarrus - Rebel Jedi - Loss. This was a really close matchup, it ended up with me killing Sabine (not fast enough in the end though) and with the final play being Kanan, with Force Speed, 2 Running Interferences, I couldn't do anything to prevent my loss in the end. Maybe I should have thrown in Rend for the Sabine/X matchup.

Rd 6 - eBoba Fett - Deadly Mercenary/eSeventh Sister - Agile Inquisitor - Loss. This was a matchup against another one of my group, Marty. This wasn't really too much of a match as I couldn't get upgrades, he did, and had a lot of mitigation for any damage I did roll out. So at this point I am 2-0 against Obi/Maz and 0-4 against everything else!

Rd. 7 - eCad Bane - Vicious Mercenary/eCiena Ree - Adept Pilot - Win. Going into this matchup, I had a .63 SoS, and I needed a win to get Top 32 prizes, so I wanted a win to at least get a few more packs! The match played like I was playing against a slower sabine deck. I was able to kill Cad Bane before he killed any of my characters. But with double Friends in High Places he got the Sonic Cannon in play. That killed Obi and did up to 7 damage on Luke. I got lucky in the fact that I only had 3 health left and he had 3 dice left, a +2 Ciena die, a +1 On The Hunt Die, and another Ciena die. He pitched to reroll 3 times and couldn't hit the non-modified side on ciena. I did 6 damage to her, and I claimed. Start of the next turn I Heightened Awareness into Riposte combo for the win. It was a close matchup and a fun one!

In the end I finished 31st out of 55. I was happy to finish Top 32 in my first regional with a deck that had no business being at a regional! As for the rest of the Cloud City team, we did decent:

eBoba Fett - Deadly Mercenary/eSeventh Sister - Agile Inquisitor - 15th (4-3)

eBoba Fett - Deadly Mercenary/eSeventh Sister - Agile Inquisitor - 26th (4-3)

eYoda - Wizened Master/eHondo Ohnaka - Respected Businessman - 28th (4-3)

eMother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch/2x Veteran Stormtrooper - 30th (3-4)

eObi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Master/Luke Skywalker - Unlikely Hero - 31st (3-4)

eKylo Ren - Tormented One/eAnakin Skywalker - Conflicted Apprentice - 34th (3-4)

eObi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Master/eMaz Kanata - Pirate Queen - 36th (3-4)

1 commentaire

Cfinton 1

Hi! I was your #4 game, Zeb Kanan. Really fun match and likewise, it was cool to play against a unique deck. Anti-meta ftw!